
Attract New Customers Through Online Listings Management

Attract New Customers Through Online Listings Management

Let’s pretend for a second that you have the greatest website known to man. Madison Avenue ad agencies would kill to create one like it for their clients. It’s the Citizen Kane of websites. Your employees love it, your family raves about it, your customers can’t stop complimenting you on it, and it’s the only […]

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What is SEO?

What is SEO?

Let’s say you’re going to throw a party and are putting together the invitation. Along with date and time, what MUST be included? The location, right? I mean, you do want people to show up. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is like the address on an invitation. It allows those searching for you online to find […]

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How to Manage your Company’s Online Reviews

How to Manage your Company’s Online Reviews

Do you may think online reviews are only important when it comes to tangible items (appliances, cars) or trades (electricians, exterminators). If so, think again. And consider the following data concerning the importance of online reviews: 90% of consumers say they read online reviews prior to contacting a business, Almost 90% of consumers say they […]

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Celebrating National Cybersecurity Awareness Month

Celebrating National Cybersecurity Awareness Month

October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, so we’re going to take this opportunity to post a few articles on this important topic. Here’s the first one. We understand. Like so many others, you think, “It can’t happen to me.” Until it does, and then it’s too late. Of course, we’re talking about malicious cyberattacks, the […]

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Good Website Design―more than just about looks

Good Website Design―more than just about looks

What makes for a good website? If you answer is “I know it when I see it”, read on. Website design and development is more than that It’s more than simple good looks. Build your website with UX in top-of-mind A website isn’t just about words, images, font selection and layout. It needs to be easy to […]

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Organic Social Media Marketing. Why you need it, how to do it

Organic Social Media Marketing. Why you need it, how to do it

Don’t let the word organic frighten you. Basically, it just means you’re not forking over money for ads (that will be the subject of our next blog). Organic social media marketing is a bit like a cocktail party, even though it’s not as polarizing as one. People either love parties or hate ‘em, but attending […]

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